Community Update No. 14
In this update, we wish to share some very exciting news about the land acquisition project at 673 Chemin Blackburn and an update on the trails on the 215 acres of leased land around the Ruisseau Carroll.
• Located at 673 chemin Blackburn As discussed in our last update, CPSLL has been working to protect 673 Blackburn, a 17.5 acre property between Lac Rhéaume and Lac Bataille. For more information on this land, please see Community Update No.13. We are excited to inform you that the land has been purchased by a private group who supports CPSLL’s conservation mission. CPSLL has secured a limited lease on the land and will continue to work to purchase it from the new owners, at the same market value. Before this purchase was made, we had raised approximately 45% of the value of the land in pledges. We ask those who generously offered to support this project to be ready to honour their pledges in the coming months.
The land will soon be available to CPSLL members for low-impact activities, however we ask you not to venture onto it until we have built marked trails. This is a necessary step in order to protect its ecological value and limit liability for the current owners. This message has been reinforced with the installation of “No Trespassing” signs. We will update the community about this, as well as about educational events we will be hosting on the land, in the near future.
CORMORAN PROJECT Please see Update No.13. We remain hopeful that we can complete this acquisition project.
RUISSEAU CARROLL LEASE AGREEMENT In the last update, we mentioned that we had signed a lease agreement for access to over 200 acres of land around the southern half of Ruisseau Carroll, a wide stream which several of the lakes in the PSLL region (Rhéaume, Bataille, Louise, Truite) flow into and which flows northeast into the Lièvre River. This creek never freezes over, and features beautiful snowscapes in the winter, and waterfalls in the spring and summer.
Members of the CPSLL Board of Directors have started to create hiking paths using yellow tape and trail markers. There is one trail that starts on the logging road halfway up chemin des Carouges where you will see our sign. In the winter, this road can be a good place to cross-country ski. A second entry point starts on the east side of the bridge on chemin du Chêne-Rouge and follows the creek to the end of the leased land at the north side of the wide part of Ruisseau Carroll, where you can cross the creek and circle back on the logging road that leads back to chemin des Carouges.
Parking is available on the side of the road on chemin du Chêne-Rouge. Please do not park on chemin des Carouges as it is a private road, and your car may get in the way of the snow clearing services.
In the future, we have trails planned that will enter the land on chemin du Harfang-des-Neiges so that the trail network will be more accessible to people who live closer to Lac Bataille; and another one which will enter the land halfway up the logging road off chemin des Carouges and cut down to the west side of the creek. We will try to post trail maps to update people as we make progress. Finally, in the winter the trails are more obvious so for those a little less adventurous you may consider waiting for snowshoe season in order to explore the land.
Please remember that you must be a member of CPSLL in order to use the trails. You can easily join here . If you would like to help build and maintain trails, please contact Justine Akman at
NEXT ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Our next Annual General Meeting is set for Thursday,January 16, 2025, at 7:30 p.m. Our agenda will focus on our activities for 2024 and 2025, a financial report, and the election of Board members. A reminder that while all are welcome to attend, membership is required to vote. Membership is automatically offered to individuals who donate at least $50 annually. Click here to donate and become a member.
Thank you again for your interest. Please feel free to reach out at should you have any questions or concerns.