Community Update No. 10
Dear Perkins-sur-le-Lac neighbours,
Below is an update on the activities of Conservation Perkins-sur-le-Lac (CPSLL), some information about current land development projects in the PSLL region, and an invitation to send your unique bird observations to one of our newest members.
As most of you know, we are a registered non-profit, charitable organization and we are an eligible recipient under the Ecological Gifts Program.
CPSLL is currently working on an offer for 3 lots in the Lauzon Cormoran Project. Following an information and pledge event, approximately 20% of our fundraising goal has been raised thus far. We are encouraged with the community’s interest. Depending on developper’s reaction to the offer, we would launch a fund-raising campaign.
Downy Rattlesnake
Linked to this offer, we are currently working with a biologist to conduct an ecological survey of the three lots to better understand the ecological value of the land. This would help us to apply for government funding towards a purchase. During the biologist’s visits, at least 4 species with status were found, including the Downy Rattlesnake Plantain and the Conopholis americana (or the American cancer-root) pictured here.
On the education front, we are encouraging people to record the flora
and fauna they observe via iNaturalist to gain a better understanding of our region’s biodiversity. Please visit our website at for more information about iNaturalist. For those of you with a particular interest in birds, please see Appendix A for information about one project dedicated to identifying some of the more rare birds which visit this area.
In terms of current land development activities in our area, there are four active projects, offering up a total of 75 lots. Maps and highlights are provided in the attached table (Appendix B). We hope this information will give community members a sense of possible upcoming activities.
There is no doubt that these development projects and other municipal projects have raised concerns among community members. For example, we know that there is much discussion about the public access to lac Bataille, currently being proposed by the Municipality. We wish to take this opportunity to acknowledge the tremendous work being done by the Association Perkins-sur-le-Lac on this very important project.
Thank you again for your interest and please feel free to reach out to us at should you have any questions or concerns.
Conservation Perkins-sur-le-Lac
Appendix A: Bird Identification Project
Appendix B: Current Real Estate Development Projects in Perkins-sur-le-Lac